C/TPS Feature

Do you make calls based on lists supplied by a data supplier?

Do you screen that data against the C/TPS registers before you start?

I expect that the answer is “yes” to the second question if you purchase lists. However did you know that you should have that data rescreened every 28 days. That 10,000 number list you bought could cost a lot to rescreen before you manage to call all the people on the list. Additionally its not just the straight cost of rescreening, it’s also the time and effort that’s involved in managing the process. Failure to screen because Carol in admin was off sick could result in large fines and have your good name tarnished.

This is where we can help you to utilise that list without the rescreening process. With the C/TPS addon active on the Extension/Seat our system will check the status of the dialled number against the TPS and CTPS registers. Should the number be registered, our system will inform the user who has the option to override the warning and complete the call or cancel the call and proceed to the next number.

All this for just £5 per month per Extension/Seat that you use to make outbound calls – can you afford not to use it?

If you can think of an article on VoIP, VoIP equipment or a have an idea for a VoIP feature please let us know in a comment below or contact us via the website. While we can’t promise to post something immediately we do read all your comments and will act on them when time permits.

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